West Coast General Hospital

If you're working or studying at the West Coast General Hospital, The Hummingbird is a great place to call home during your stay. Many VIHA employees, locum doctors and travelling nurses have enjoyed the "welcome home" relaxing atmosphere.  It's handy being only 5 minutes from the hospital but it feels like a whole new world away. Ask about our special rates.

Review from Mindie Miller, Langley, BC

With being an Emergency Room Travel Nurse working 12 or more hours a shift, without meal breaks, is tough especially @ 57. BUT to be able to come home to The Hummingbird and my room took the pain of it away! The beauty. The comfort. And the quiet peace was amazing, but Wayne & Cheryl made it feel like I used to feel going home to my family! Thanks again!





3949 Port Alberni Highway
Port Alberni, BC  V9Y 4S1

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  • 250.723.2135

Visiting Hours

  • 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm daily

Guest Reviews

It has been delightful

The hummingbird is noted, among other things, for its beauty and the attention to detail that it takes in building its nest. The Hummingbird is a wonderful compliment to that tradition. There was a light rain falling the day we arrived - an event unfamiliar to us desert dwellers but the sight of the Hummingbird must have touched a memory of home. We stopped on impulse just to enquire and decided to stay two nights.

Cal & Sue Montgomery
Province / State: 
Toll Free 1-888-720-2114
Local 250-720-2111

Hummingbird GuestHouse
5769 River Road
Port Alberni, Vancouver Island
British Columbia, Canada

Reserve a little piece of paradise
at Hummingbird GuestHouse

5769 River Road. Port Alberni, BC, Canada
Toll Free 1-888-720-2114