The Wonders of the Alberni Valley Video

Guest Reviews

We found a "second" home

We had a flood in the kitchen and needless to say we were very upset over the idea of having to leave our home for an indefinite period of time. We really would not have made it to today without your hospitality. The suite is bright and comfortable and has all the amenities. I have been able to cook meals, do laundry and work at home on my computer. We have been able to go to work each day without any worries.

Doug & Dianne
Port Alberni
Province / State: 
Toll Free 1-888-720-2114
Local 250-720-2111

Hummingbird GuestHouse
5769 River Road
Port Alberni, Vancouver Island
British Columbia, Canada

Reserve a little piece of paradise
at Hummingbird GuestHouse

5769 River Road. Port Alberni, BC, Canada
Toll Free 1-888-720-2114